Anti-Smoking Workshops for Youth Services

Our trained and experienced targeted youth support workers are professionals who work with children and young people up to 19 years of age.

They run stop smoking workshops targeted at children and young people aged 11-19.

The programme can be tailored to suit the needs of your young people and covers the following health education:

The workshops cover factual information about smoking and cigarettes:

  • the short and long term effects of smoking on health, including cancer
  • the dangerous chemicals in cigarettes
  • nicotine addiction
  • the law around smoking and selling tobacco to young people
  • myth busting about smoking and stress and weight loss

They also provide a space for young people to open about their worries and concerns and where to seek support.

  • Why young people smoke
  • Parents or grandparents who smoke
  • The effect of smoking on pets

To discuss your needs contact:

Debbie Coleman on 0789 906 3655 or email her at