Keeping Social

As well as being physically active, it is also worth trying to keep socially active too. Family and friends may not be around as much as we get older and social isolation, aside from being distressing, can be bad for our physical health. That’s why so many people are taking a positive decision to join an evening class or club or become a volunteer.

My community map

We have launched a new and improved version of our community asset me. The map shows local groups run by local people for local people that support health and wellbeing.  Take a look what’s available in your area by taking a look at our map.

Community Centres

Bracknell Forest has plenty of community groups, accomodating all interests. Our community centres are full of exciting activities, with anything from dance classes to flower arranging, art groups to games clubs.


Libraries in Bracknell Forest also offer more than just book loans.  They host a number of groups, clubs, events and activities on your doorstep.  More information can be found on their Information page.

Need help finding activities?

Our local Community Choices & Befriending service, run by Involve, helps to bring people together. Whether it’s through the befriending scheme (a supported friendship between a local resident and a volunteer befriender) or through the community choices scheme (helping local residents to find local groups to join and supporting them to do so), Involve is here to help. For more information on this and other volunteering opportunities, visit the Learning and Volunteering section of our Health Portal.