School age smoker?
Smoking is a big worry to young people.
If you have started smoking and need some support to help you stop, our youth workers can help with info, advice and guidance.
Talk to us – we could help
Call Debbie on 0789 906 3655 or Bianca on 0785 536 4534.
If you prefer, contact our confidential text service on 07860 020030 with your questions and one of our team will text you back.
Reasons for smoking
OK, some people smoke to fit in. But some smoke because they think it can help with stress of losing weight.
If you’re worried about your weight and you can’t speak to your GP, then try online or telephone counselling – find out more information here.
Boring (but important) facts
And you already know:
- smoking damages your health
- cigarettes can give you cancer (each cigarette has over 4,000 chemicals, 64 of which are cancer forming)
- almost half of all people who smoke will die early from lung cancer or a smoking related illness
- smoking during pregnancy can harm the unborn baby
- passive smoking can damage the health of non-smokers and pets
- smoking has become socially unacceptable
If you have started smoking the best thing you can do for your health is give up now.