Student Vaccinations

Going to uni or college will bring you into contact with a large number of new people – and also a large number of new bugs your body may not have been exposed to.

Making sure your vaccinations are up to date is the best way to protect yourself against some potentially serious and life threatening illnesses.

How to check your vaccination status

Your electronic medical record will tell you about your vaccination history.  You can ask your GP receptionist for details of how to do this.  Otherwise, contact your surgery for advice on how to access your vaccination records.

What vaccinations do you need?


At least two weeks before you arrive at Uni, get your MenACWY vaccination.

This offers 100% effectiveness against strains A, C, W and Y of meningococcal disease, all of which can develop suddenly.

Know the warning signs of meningitis and always get medical help straight away.

Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)

Measles is very infectious and spreads quickly in hot spots like universities. It is increasingly common in people aged 15-25.  It is never too late to get the vaccine.

Measles starts with cold-like symptoms and sore red eyes followed by a high temperature and a red-brown blotchy rash.  If you experience these symptoms, call NHS 111

Other vaccinations

Also check your current vaccinations for:

Vaccine ingredients

Worried about allergies or have other concerns?   Find out the facts from NHS Choices